Registration for Spring 2025 Recreational Soccer is Open!
Early bird pricing available!
U3-U6 players $90 per player
U7-U18 players $110.00 per player
No refunds or credits due to weather cancellations.
No refunds or credits due to voluntary withdrawal from the program.
*Cash refund for cash paid; credit carried forward for credit used
Have questions? Read our Frequently Asked Questions
Question on dates? View our calendar of events
Are you a current coach or are you interested in volunteering to coach a Recreational team?
Coaching soccer is a GREAT way to engage with the community and spend time with your kids. Contact us to learn more
Age levels U6 and above will have ONE weeknight practice (1 hour) each week. U6+ Coaches each set their own practice time/day based on their availability as a volunteer.
U4 & U5 age levels do not have weekday practices
Parents- Please make sure that your player attends practice (on time). Please notify the team parent or coach if you are running late or know that your child will be absent from a practice. Players who attend practice the most - truly understand the game. Parents should remain at practice and be available to help the coach if needed in cases when the player is not listening or needs to use the restroom. If you should have to leave the field during practice or game time – make arrangements with the coach or another player’s family in advance. The coach should never have to wait after practice for a late parent.
The skills that are covered in practice should be practiced during the week to help reinforce the concepts taught. Keep encouraging your child to run to build endurance and to handle the ball using their feet as much as possible. We will teach basic concepts through play.
Age levels U6 and above will play ONE game on Saturday each week.
U3, U4 and U5 will operate clinic style for an hour on Saturday mornings
Parents - Please make sure that your player arrives to the game a minimum of 15 min prior to the start time. Please notify the team parent or coach if you are running late or know that your child will be absent from a game. Parents should remain at games and be available to help the coach if needed in cases when the player is not listening or needs to use the restroom. please make arrangements with the coach or another player’s family in advance if you will not be at a game with your child.
Please also make sure your child has BOTH uniform shirts, shin pads, red socks, plenty of water and is dressed for the weather.
EWG Rec soccer takes place in the Spring & Fall annually. Each season runs for 8 weeks. The general start times of all games are the same in each season (Late August & Mid April). Coaches, individual team numbers, and the game times change each season.
The FIRST team listed for each game wears RED shirts, the second wears GRAY.
*We play in the rain! Games are only cancelled by the league. A coach can not cancel a game for any reason. Games that are cancelled due are not made up. Game cancellations and field conditions are indicated on the website by 8:00am Saturday Morning as well as on our Facebook page. Coaches will arrange on how they will notify you if a practice is cancelled.
*All games will be cancelled/postponed in the case of LIGHTNING.
EWG Rec uniforms are the same year after year. We occasionally change the style, but the colors stay the same, meaning you can wear a uniform from 10 years ago, if you like. Uniforms will be available for purchase at the field every Saturday during the season.
We recommend arriving 30 min. prior to the game to purchase uniforms. We also encourage you to buy a size up so you aren’t buying a new kit each season… Kids grow, uniforms don’t!
Uniforms consist of one Red Jersey, one Grey Jersey and Red socks. ALL players should wear black shorts or pants and MUST wear shin pads. Shin pads are not sold at the fields.
Jersey Bundle
(2 jerseys & socks): $50
Jerseys: $20 ea.
Socks: $10 ea.
Adidas shorts (Limited Sizes): $18 ea.
*For practices, players should dress in sports attire, athletic footwear & shin pads. Players should dress for the weather–it can be very cold or very hot during different times throughout the year and we do play in the rain.
Players should bring a ball, cleats/sneakers, shin guards, and plenty of water to all games & practices.
All players must wear proper shin guards to every practice and every game. Hard surfaces of shin guards must be covered with socks. Cleats are not mandatory but are suggested. No shoes with front cleats may be worn (i.e., no baseball or football shoes) and only rubber cleats are allowed (no metal cleats).
No jewelry (including *earrings), metal devices, or hazardous equipment may be worn. *Casts can be allowed if they are padded & the Referee approves them before the game. (*Newly pierced ears must be covered with tape prior to the start of a game or practice)
Each player should have a soccer ball of proper size. Soccer balls come in 3 different sizes: 3, 4, & 5. The ball size is shown on the ball. Also, look for a stamp that says either “official size & weight” or “FIFA Approved” · U-4, U-5, U-6 & U-8 use a size 3 · U-10 and U-12 use a size 4 · U14+ use a size 5.
Referees will check to be sure all rules are followed before each game.
The league will assign an official to your games. In the event that we do not have one assigned to it – then the coaches will do their best to officiate the match or assign a parent volunteer.
Reminder - This is a game and the expected level of sportsmanship is not limited to the players on the field – abusive behavior towards an official may result on that person being asked to leave the game and fields. If you have a concern, have the coach address it. Remember that everyone involved is doing the best they can - play ball and have fun. The referee is the one who makes the final decision.
The league is always looking for willing refs that are interested in working with the various divisions that compete in our league. If you know of someone interested in being a ref, have them contact our Referee Coordinator.
Recreational Soccer is a time in which you should cheer your child on and enjoy the action that takes place on the field for both teams. Keep your cameras ready and welcome to the world of running, kicking the ball, and having fun. Your role is to cheer, smile, and enjoy the season. Never measure your child against another player to check progress – be patient as your child’s skill develops over time and with practice. It is very important to remember that the league is made up of children who will make mistakes as children – be careful not to put adult qualities and adult motives to kids. Let your coach do the coaching - just encourage your child to keep trying.
We ask that all parents and their guests conduct themselves in a manner that is controlled and is consistent of being a role model for your team. We know that parents are passionate about their child and about the game. We are all competitive in nature but here are some basic guidelines to keep in mind. Positive encouragement is good; negative comments are bad. They have no place on the field. Yelling and comments that are not positive are a bad habit that should not be part of the game. Cheering is good, but do not yell at your child or anyone else’s child during the game. It can be distracting & what you tell them may be different from what the coaches are saying. Be careful with what you say on the field. Be mindful with anything that might be taken the wrong way or hurt someone’s feelings. Remember: this is for fun & these are children. Be a good role model & a good sport. Do not yell at the referees or say anything bad to or about the other team. Never boo the other team or cheer when they make a mistake.
Not on a leash or held in your arms... Please leave them at home.
©2024 EWG Soccer